Sunday, April 6, 2008

Press Printing and Digital Printing Comparison

When do you decide what to print, and there is one question you should take note. Here is a comparison between the side of the digital printing press, in return for printing. There are striking differences that you should consider;
printing press - first and foremost, it is a little expensive. There is a need for films that are produced as well as places. Total cost is simply the highest compared to the digital counterpart. There is also the impact of abuse; can billing because they can not be confined to a limited number of copies. Overall, the cost is the press and digital printing twice compared printing
- Administration excellent color accuracy of this method of printing. A mixed system called Pantone matching system, it has evidence matching colors. Usually there is more information on the accuracy of within the network. This is very similar to mixing paint where you have to be accurate colors. With the press, printing, and they are the best choice for color accurateness.
- there can not be a wide range of colors with the press and printing. That can be provided by using Pantone colors brighter. They could be alive, leading to higher image quality reproduction.
- inexpensive checking with the printing press and the benefit of others. But this can always depend on the evidence used and manages a kind of journalism where would printed.
- Pantone, the system can have its borders, but they can be available on the books where you can compare samples. This could require an ink printed positions of the elements on view pages.
- Another flaw is that it takes longer to print. Indirect uses of the press many of the steps as they come to printing. A film plates to be prepared and other tasks. You also need time for drying, cutting, folding and other finishing touches must made.
- better choices on paper stocks. Rainbow of colors to dark black, you can use the press printing.
- colors brighter and wider Finishing Techniques few press Printings & 39; advantage. Under close visual inspection shows a smooth smooth and the colors. You can use inks and other metal engraving options.
- unique models could be possible with the press and printing. Can accommodate paper sizes small to large and more Finishing techniques.
digital - digital printing is cheap. Digital printing process used directly to the paper process, and these costs can be reduced to almost half compared with the press printing.
- Color accuracy is perfect. They use a method of printing four colors. Four colors; Cyan, magenta, yellow, black ... it just points minute print together to create various colors.
- Loss color range can be impacted on the digital printing. Often they Skimp on the following features such as brightness and saturation, and the range. Reds produce bright, and other color indifferences compared printing.
press - the cost of checking, is simply higher digital printing. It means to produce more accurate color printing this method.
- a faster option. Quick turnaround times is the best use of digital printing. Even with printers can guarantee on the same day shift service, and it is almost reliable standards for Internet sites and printing date.
- Lack of flexibility on the consumption of paper, digital editions can only increase the use of paper thickness is limited, and often only used in the smooth White paper stock. They can be thick paper specifically for such acts cards.
- Completion options are limited, metallic inks, engraved versions, to foil seal is not usually available on the commercial digital editions. Even die and spare services are also collapsible unavailable.
- not selected articles on the forms, which do not have only a limited set of specifications. Methods and shapes, and sizes are limited use of this technology. The only larger size can only be up to 11 " 17 ".
here is unbiased comparison methods of printing. Do not hesitate to choose the best option for printing your project. You can get the best deals if you know what you want really, and evaluation of these methods of printing.
for further inquiries, please visit the press and printing Business &

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